Monday, 16 December 2013

a little reflection.

This time of year brings a lot of looking inward for me, makes me think about what the last year brought and how I would like this year to be.
Each year that goes by seems a little more precious now. We are responsible for three amazing little kiddos and their experiences each year. As well as being responsible for our own happiness and experiences in the coming year as well. My biggest hope for the coming year is to strive to be more about experiences and less about material things. This is something we have been working on for a few years now, but it seems ever more important as the boys get older and start to really take in the world.
Having Hector, and going through so much emotion and growth in one year alone really put a new perspective on things for me as a parent, as a person. If I want things to be a certain way, I have to make that happen. We as a family have to make that happen. If I wish for more out door experiences, we just need to put on our shoes and do it. Leave the dirty dishes in the sink, and the piles of laundry in the corners. They will be waiting when we get back.
No need to rush through the days with no time to enjoy, too busy tackling all the tasks I feel the need to get done to be the perfect mom, partner, and woman.
I want to set an example for these loving, sweet little boys over the years. Show them that the world has a lot to offer them and that they are the maker of their own happiness. Hopefully a simple start to that will be taking advantage of the great outdoors and not getting caught up in the busy of everyday life.
Just a little thought.

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