So, the secret is out. Housework sucks. Dishes suck, laundry sucks, dirty floors suck, lack of organization in rooms that desperately need it, sucks. It all just plain sucks.
Yet there it is, day in, day out, staring me down all day while I avoid as much of it as I possibly can.
I have tried to have the clean house, and in all it's neatness, it just lead to stress. I have let things slide for far too long, only to be completely overwhelmed by the amounts of housework to then catch up to live a normal day to day life.
Being at home with children makes housework the equivalent of a dog chasing it's tail. Everyday my home looks like a bomb went off, crumbs in every nook, toys everywhere, clothing strewn, avalanches of books threatening to tumble into a slip and slide. Not to mention the messes that are in a constant state of attempted organization. You know, the piles of clothes you are currently going through, or the holiday decor, or that forever mess of a desk.
Where is the lovely balance that I hear about, is it as mysterious and unseen as the unicorn?
I will make this my goal this year, to find a system of cleaning, tidying, purging. Something that works for us but doesn't take up all of my time and cause to much stress. Wish me luck!!!
I'm trying to purge too, but so far I'm trying to find how much it costs to get a wireless apple mouse & keyboard so that I can use my laptop on my television screen without moving.