Friday, 30 November 2012

Festive feeling.

After a very busy week of handmade presents, I am happy to say that I am close to done!!! I have a few sewing projects and a stocking to fill for Dave and that's all folks! I have been going full steam ahead Hoping to be done this coming week, so I can have a nice and relaxing December of just cookie making :D

One project I have started I can share, because the boys are too young to read blogs. I am sewing them little toddler book bags from brown corduroy with an underwater themed applique. So far they are cut and appliqued. I may start sewing them tonight, or next week. I will post how they turn out.
Here's the applique:

 With a full weekend of working and photographing ahead of me I look forward to Monday and decorating the house for Christmas!  Our house rule (originally asked for by Dave, now I go along with it too) is no decorating before December 1st. I look forward to putting up my pom pom garland that I made last year, getting a REAL tree (FINALLY!!!), and getting the boys to help decorate. It's going to be a lovely month!

                                                                     Last December!

                                              Crazy how much the boys have grown!

On a quick last note, I realize I missed singing Sunday last week, I will make up for it with two themes of top 5's this Sunday!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

And so it starts!

We started our Christmas crafting and homemade gifts. Our first is salt dough ornaments for family and friends. This is the only one I will be blogging about until after Christmas, for obvious reasons!
So far they are coming out pretty good, nice to have something that both boys can help with.
They are pretty excited about the whole process, we are trying to do everything homemade this year, and most of it they can help with :)
Here is a small update of pictures,

Start to finish; ornaments before baking, after baking, flowers Dave brought home for me, Solomon meets and falls in love with Fiona, Odin barefoot. even when it's cold enough to be bundled, Solomon working hard at the tool bench.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

reasons you should know OK Go- singing sundays.

Not only are they fun and the kids love their music as well as I do, but they make some of the best videos! I don't even have cable TV, but I frequent youtube to see what they are up to.
These are my top 5 videos and songs for OK Go;

The last one is one they did for Sesame Street, awesome, and yes I had to put that one on the list.

Friday, 16 November 2012

morning flowers.

This is what I woke up to; the beautiful sunrise sending the most bright and warm beams into my kitchen. Perfectly lighting up the gorgeous flowers Dave brought me home for being me. Doesn't really get much better then that.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

where the wild things are.

This is a typical morning for us, crazy boys.

Music that makes my day- Singing Sundays.

So, I am going to start a regular post that has to be music related on Sundays, Singing Sundays! I have a crazy love for music and am always looking to devourer more.
I find I have a rotation of music that I always listen to and then I have the new music I have discovered within the last 6 months. It's the new music that I can play over and over and it can always get me through a bad day. Here are my top 5 songs I have been listening to lately that I just can't stop listening to;
A couple of those bands are bands that I love and have been following for years. A few of them are new to me in the last little while and I am so glad I discovered them :D

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Starting off November right.

A lovely walk, on a foggy morning. Some playing on the soggy playground. Some strolling on the trampled leaves. We love our walks, especially Odin when it ends at the playground.

My cute little trick or treaters had a great time trick or treating for the first time this year. (yes you read that right, first time) Odin flat out refused last year, and the year before that we just didn't! Awful I know, even with the worlds greatest Halloween costume!(he was a banana)
Odin was an ironic Halloween character this year, a firefighting dragon... he chose this idea himself! I can't wait to hear more of his costume ideas in the future. Hilarious kid!
Solomon was an adorable Lion, it was that or a bear. He chose Lion. They had fun, collected WAY too much candy, and now I need to find a place to hide it.

Hello November! and on to a long to-do list!