Thursday 31 January 2013

Spring in January.

I'm one lucky lady :)
Nothing like bright beautiful flowers to warm up January.

Monday 28 January 2013

self acceptance.

Yeah, I went there.
I've seen the quote, 'we are all a work in progress' in a lot of places lately. Blogs I follow, pinterest, up in random store windows etc etc.
It's true.
We really are, all of us.
So my post today is simple; love yourself, accept who you are, embrace the qualities that make you smile, embrace the ones that don't. This is you, you are the only person in the world like you.
SO much easier said then done, and it's been a really long road for me, to get to loving who I am. But now that I am here, I can't help but think, what the hell took me so long!

I tell my kids time and time again. Nobody is perfect! So why did I expect myself to be?

Love yourself.
DO IT, I dare you.

Sunday 27 January 2013

solid soundtracks- Singing sundays

This week I bring you my top movie soundtracks. There are some movies that I know I only like because of the soundtrack, I wonder if that is a bad thing?
Here they are; (The links send you to my favourite song on the album, the line up link tells you the rest of the album)

Thursday 24 January 2013

heart day is approaching.

The boys and I had some fun making a very simple garland for Valentines. We used an old magazine, cut out hearts on the boldly printed pages and taped them to a string. I love the simple and cute look to them.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Pancakes, an all day kind of meal.

I know I cannot be the only one who makes pancakes for breakfast, lunch, or supper. They are fun, easy, and relatively quick!
So, while testing out a lame new app I found, I thought I would document our cinnamon and blueberry pancakes the other day. Delish.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Fresh takes- Singing Sundays

I am starting to think that it taking three cups of coffee in the morning just might mean I am lacking in the sleep department. Just maybe.
This week I thought it would be nice to explore some sleepy covers, or fresh takes, if you will on some songs that I love. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday 15 January 2013


Yay! Is all I have to say!
I've been awaiting the arrival if these products. Nothing nicer then a shower with new, lovely products!
They smell so lovely!

Sunday 13 January 2013

invoking change- singing Sundays

There are a lot of things in our world that need change. There are issues that are so huge, I personally can't comprehend them, living the privileged life that I do. There are some that seem much smaller in comparison, but have amazing potential for causing changes that lead to even bigger changes.
It's hard to imagine just how we can make these changes as a society, as a country, as a world wide population. I truly believe that it all starts with personal change, so today's songs are ones that I feel invoke a personal change in me as of late.

Thursday 10 January 2013


It is something most people do, we add it to our morning ritual, we meet with friends for it, we sip it quietly with a great book in hand. For me I have always loved coffee and tea equally, I really still do. I most likely consume my weight of them weekly! There is so much more to coffee for me then just the drink. I love the morning ritual with the kids, getting up, getting breakfast ready while my coffee is brewing. It is comfort in a mug, all I need is a book, big blanket and couch, and wool socks. Picture perfect.
But, that's not why I am making this post. I have become increasingly aware of how my taste in coffee has become much more refined. Amazingly enough, the coffee I drink the most is a fair trade coffee called Just Us, it is amazing. The blends are very flavorful, and while sipping on this coffee I don't have to feel the weight of wondering just how it's made, and by whom, and how fair their life is supplying me something that is such a privilege.
I think we should all feel this weight, wonder where your purchases come from, wonder how it effects the world in a whole. Make well thought out decisions about what you allow into your home and stand by it. Sure there are going to be many circumstances where this is a lovely theory, but a hard practice. So why not start with simple, easy choices; like coffee.

Sunday 6 January 2013


Just a few snaps from our Christmas, Christmas gift making, and the lovely new year so far.

fresh year- Singing Sundays

So, it being the beginning of January and all, I am going to do 10 awesome work out songs. (Considering the plan is to whip my butt into gear!)
 They don't have to be my usual music (although that varies, I really do listen to everything), But it really has to make me want to really get into it. If I weren't working out I would be dancing like a mad man or punching people :) I don't really do the latter, ever, So we'll stick with working out!
There are some songs I think are hilarious and am not ashamed to say, they really kick ass as workout songs! Hope you enjoy!

Thursday 3 January 2013

housework, happiness, and finding a balance.

So, the secret is out. Housework sucks. Dishes suck, laundry sucks, dirty floors suck, lack of organization in rooms that desperately need it, sucks. It all just plain sucks.
Yet there it is, day in, day out, staring me down all day while I avoid as much of it as I possibly can.
 I have tried to have the clean house, and in all it's neatness, it just lead to stress. I have let things slide for far too long, only to be completely overwhelmed by the amounts of housework to then catch up to live a normal day to day life.
Being at home with children makes housework the equivalent of a dog chasing it's tail. Everyday my home looks like a bomb went off, crumbs in every nook, toys everywhere, clothing strewn, avalanches of books threatening to tumble into a slip and slide. Not to mention the messes that are in a constant state of attempted organization. You know, the piles of clothes you are currently going through, or the holiday decor, or that forever mess of a desk.
Where is the lovely balance that I hear about, is it as mysterious and unseen as the unicorn?
I will make this my goal this year, to find a system of cleaning, tidying, purging. Something that works for us but doesn't take up all of my time and cause to much stress. Wish me luck!!!